
der agile coach

Project planning in a fixed cycle.

-By defining a fixed cycle, the team can better plan and prioritize the workload.
plan and prioritize the workload. This facilitates the prediction of delivery dates and communication within the team and with stakeholders.

-Determine the duration of the fixed cycle, depending on the requirements and complexity of the projects. Within a cycle, the results are fixed and are not adjusted within the cycle.
As a rule, 2 weeks is ideal and should not exceed a maximum duration of 4 weeks, as the findings or interdependencies can often change by then.

-Start with a clear definition of the objectives for each project.
Prioritize the projects based on business priorities and dependencies.

-On the stage board, which includes all projects, the partial results/features of the projects are assigned to the various cycles/sprints to ensure a continuous workload.

der agile coach

XS in swimming lanes.

The individual XS projects on the stage board are structured in swim lanes. In this way, the dependencies between the projects and the progress of the individual project are displayed transparently on the stage board.

der agile coach

Features with delivery results.

-Internal and external (additional) deliveries are displayed as results, the “features” on the stage board.
Features are between 2 weeks (a sprint) and a maximum of 3 months (a stage) and can be broken down into individual sprint results..

der agile coach

Joint team backlog.

-The joint team backlog contains all the features and requirements of all
XS projects.

-This backlog should be prioritized, with the most important and urgent tasks being processed first.

der agile coach

Keep an eye on dependencies.

-Dependencies and critical paths become transparent on the stage board, allowing a sensible sequence of partial results/features to be created.

-Bottlenecks and delays are visualized on the stage board. This enables the team to take timely action during each sprint cycle in order to maintain the project flow.

der agile coach


-A stage board for XS projects (micro projects) provides a clear visual representation of the progress and tasks in a project.

It provides a transparent and easy-to-understand overview of the project status. Team members and stakeholders can see at a glance which tasks have been completed and which are still outstanding.

-Due to the limited size of XS projects, the stage board allows you to focus on the essentials. The clear structure helps to concentrate on the most important tasks.

-Stage boards are flexible and can be easily adapted. In XS projects, which are often dynamic, this enables quick adaptation to changing requirements or priorities.