"Productowner Team"

der agile coach

Synergy effects through standardized project management.

-Efficiency increase:

  • Joint project management can help to use resources more efficiently. Project management
    can coordinate work, share resources and identify synergies between projects.
  • Smaller projects tend to have a lower administrative burden. By bundling projects, administrative processes can be
    can be simplified and made more effective.

-Consistency in implementation:

  • Consistent project management helps to ensure that projects are implemented consistently and to the same standards.
    This promotes a common approach and makes it easier to compare results.

-Risk minimization:

  • By taking a holistic view of all projects, common risks can be better managed and mitigated.

-Flexibility and agility:

  • Changes in one project can be better aligned and coordinated with other projects to ensure consistent overall success.

der agile coach

What is special about bundling XS projects?

-Efficiency through standardization:

  • In XS projects, which often have similar tasks or requirements, the standardization of processes and workflows across several projects can lead to increased efficiency.
    across several projects can lead to increased efficiency.
  • Common processes can be adopted and applied more easily. Project management can focus more on the content aspects.
  • Standardized processes and proven methods can minimize administrative effort. Sharing resources and infrastructure can lead to cost savings, especially if these resources can be shared.

-Faster implementation:

  • Pooling can make more efficient use of resources and shorten turnaround times.


  • Bundling XS projects requires a balanced approach that takes into account the benefits of standardization and efficiency as well as the individual requirements and flexibility of each project.

der agile coach

Prioritization rules.

-Prioritize the small projects e.g. based on their “strategy fit/interest”, business value and urgency.
This makes it possible to focus on the projects that make the greatest contribution to the overall strategy.

der agile coach


-The AGILE corporate culture creates a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing within the organization
and supports the self-determination of the teams.

Bundling micro-projects under a common project management can thus offer considerable advantages,
especially if the challenges are carefully considered and addressed.
A well-thought-out strategy and clear communication are crucial to the success of these bundling approaches.