Optimise the “operating system”.
A successful car manufacturer came to us with the enquiry as to whether we could help them change their “operating system“. By operating system, we meant the way they worked on projects to develop new cars. They said: “The previous operating system had lasted 20 years. If we replace it now, it can’t be an evolution, it has to be a revolution.”
We were allowed to try out AGILE together with them in pilot projects. We started in body development, far removed from software development. We proved that AGILE also works outside the software. A complete vehicle development programme was then launched with 2000 developers involved in the peak phase.
Smarter rather than harder.
AGILE has become a game changer in the way we work. Companies that still work traditionally are not utilising the full intellectual potential of their employees. AGILELEADERSHIP means that managers work smarter instead of harder. This always requires a certain distance from the previous way of doing things and the ability to question things.
Reference to the strategy.
All companies have a strategy – if not explicitly, then implicitly. Too many companies only have a PowerPoint strategy – with lots of colourful pictures and pithy words. Developing a strategy is one thing – implementing the strategy is another.
The decisive factor is how many managers can regularly invest how much time to work on the strategy and its implementation.
Working more WITH the company and less WITHIN the company. In other words: more strategic and less operational.