"Market + Technic"

der agile coach

Desire and reality.

The wishes of the market (M) are represented by product management and marketing, while technology (T) shapes the realisation within the framework of projects. Not every great project idea is realistically feasible – often even elaborate technical preliminary investigations and feasibility studies are necessary to limit the project risk acceptably.

Quality projects, technology projects, cost reduction projects are also taken into account.

Market and technology managers work closely together in portfolio management.
They decide together whether a project proposal is good and feasible, what business value can be achieved.
Conversely, when looking at technology, the situation often arises that products can be designed differently and more simply or that completely new product ideas can be found.

der agile coach

Dialogue is what counts.

While project ideas are maturing in the portfolio funnel, a regular dialogue and exchange of content between market and technology is very beneficial.
A very good approach is to meet regularly at fixed dates and to repeatedly evaluate and refine the project content in the funnel in relation to each other.

Product owner teams procure the necessary information for this.
Likewise, portfolio gate release decisions are made in firmly scheduled portfolio committee meetings. Results are openly discussed and a culture of “better beats good” prevails.