Personal responsibility: a real TEAM.
A group is not a team. With KANBAN, department employees take responsibility for their topics and tasks together as a team.
This starts with making all tasks visible to everyone. Instead of “I didn’t know you had a problem/too many tasks!” Through KANBAN there is more and more often a “Can we help you with this topic? We see that you have run into an obstacle here”.
Shared priorities also create clarity – it is important for a team to always focus on the most important tasks from an overall perspective and to put individual priorities aside.
Self-organization: a proven approach.
We already know it from the AGILE teams: a team can best decide for itself how it has to work in order to combine efficiency, effectiveness and fun. This also applies to KANBAN teams. The exact structure of the board, the time and frequency of the stand-up meetings and retros – all of this is determined by the team! The coach supports you until the meetings and handling of the board are in place.
Swarming: like bees.
KANBAN teams have an incredible advantage over AGILE cross-functional teams: shared professional expertise: mutual support and joint processing of tasks by two or three people is easily possible in KANBAN teams. Through so-called “swarming”, difficult and complex tasks can be massively accelerated and even “large chunks” can be completed in the shortest possible time. Your customers will love it.